movie0_text[0] = 0,255,255,255,1543,1594,It is late in the second era, a time of war
movie0_text[1] = 0,255,255,255,1602,1661,as the Empire of Tiber Septim sweeps through the kingdoms of Tamriel
movie0_text[2] = 0,255,255,255,1666,1692,in a glorious bid for conquest.
movie0_text[3] = 0,255,255,255,1702,1777,Septim is opposed on all sides, but never more fiercely than by Hammerfell
movie0_text[4] = 0,255,255,255,1783,1817,the ancestral home of the Redguards.
movie0_text[5] = 0,255,255,255,1847,1898,The High King of Hammerfell, Thassad II
movie0_text[6] = 0,255,255,255,1903,1975,resists the Imperial invasions even as he sees other kingdoms crumble
movie0_text[7] = 0,255,255,255,1982,2048,until, at last, without warning and surprisingly devoid of court treachery,
movie0_text[8] = 0,255,255,255,2053,2085,death takes its full measure.
movie0_text[9] = 0,255,255,255,2114,2167,With its High King dead, Hammerfell is crippled
movie0_text[10] = 0,255,255,255,2177,2262,plunging into a bloody civil war between the Crowns, fighting for their homeland's continued sovereignty,
movie0_text[11] = 0,255,255,255,2267,2321,and the Forebears, who have finally accepted the Emperor's rule.
movie0_text[12] = 0,255,255,255,2346,2428,The Crowns, led by the heir to Thassad, Prince A'Tor, are continually victorious,
movie0_text[13] = 0,255,255,255,2433,2487,spilling the blood of the Forebears across Hammerfell's sands.
movie0_text[14] = 0,255,255,255,2511,2556,From his seat of power in the port city of Stros M'kai,
movie0_text[15] = 0,255,255,255,2563,2621,Prince A'Tor slowly reunites his father's unraveled kingdom.
movie0_text[16] = 0,255,255,255,2649,2720,Feeling their impending defeat, the Forebears sign a pact with the Emperor,
movie0_text[17] = 0,255,255,255,2727,2818,allowing him to bring his armies in, crush the Crowns, and rule Hammerfell as his own.
movie0_text[18] = 0,255,255,255,2840,2907,Tiber Septim's armies prove too much for the proud Redguard Crowns.
movie0_text[19] = 0,255,255,255,2932,3056,Tiber Septim sends his best commander, Lord Richton, to Stros M'Kai to close the grip on Prince A'tor and the Crowns.
movie0_text[20] = 0,255,255,255,3065,3123,The prince rallies his forces for one last stand.
movie0_text[21] = 0,255,255,255,3144,3232,Knowing that Hammerfell's sovereignty is at stake, the Crown forces match the might of the Empire
movie0_text[22] = 0,255,255,255,3237,3288,meeting them in the harbor of Stros M'kai for the final battle.
movie0_text[23] = 0,255,255,255,3306,3387,The fighting is fierce. Lord Richton, having seen the Prince's victories at sea before,
movie0_text[24] = 0,255,255,255,3393,3435,decides to bring his last resource to the fore...
movie0_text[25] = 0,255,255,255,3455,3521,...the Dragon, Nafalilargus, proud jewel of the Imperial crown.
movie0_text[26] = 0,255,255,255,3532,3584,A'Tor commands his archers to ready their weapons...
movie0_text[27] = 0,255,255,255,3600,3648,...but is struck down himself by Richton's assassin,
movie0_text[28] = 0,255,255,255,3658,3713,felled by an arrow whose poison spreads too fast.
movie0_text[29] = 0,255,255,255,3726,3831,A'Tor's wizard attempts to save the Prince but the dragon ends his magic, and the Crown's hope for victory,
movie0_text[30] = 0,255,255,255,3834,3869,in a single, fiery breath.
movie0_text[31] = 0,255,255,255,3891,3972,Having conquered the Crowns, the Emperor's forces claim rule over all of Hammerfell.
movie0_text[32] = 0,255,255,255,3982,4085,Imperial garrisons are stationed at every city and Richton himself is named Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai.
movie0_text[33] = 0,255,255,255,4105,4186,Months pass. The Redguards of Hammerfell, both Crown and Forebear,
movie0_text[34] = 0,255,255,255,4193,4294,learn to live under the new Imperial rule and Tiber Septim extends his reach into the rest of Tamriel.
movie0_text[35] = 0,255,255,255,4311,4386,It is only through fate that any of this will come to concern our hero, Cyrus,
movie0_text[36] = 0,255,255,255,4396,4488,a redguard who long ago left Hammerfell to wander the borderlands of the Empire.
movie0_text[37] = 1,255,255,0,4502,4576,Smile, Cyrus. Here's the excuse you've been looking for.
movie0_text[38] = 0,255,0,0,4577,4609,Let's make this short, S'rathra, I've got work to do.
movie0_text[39] = 1,255,255,0,4612,4645,All you mercenaries are the same.
movie0_text[40] = 1,255,255,0,4661,4672,Sit.
movie0_text[41] = 0,255,0,0,4694,4721,I leave with Duadeen's men in an hour.
movie0_text[42] = 1,255,255,0,4736,4851,Ruffians in the night, heavy with Imperial coin, after some poor farmer who owes the kingdom his wife.
movie0_text[43] = 0,255,0,0,4861,4886,You should know. You got me the job.
movie0_text[44] = 1,255,255,0,4898,4941,And he taketh away. For you.
movie0_text[45] = 1,255,255,0,4981,5064,S'rathra knows you've said you'd never return to Hammerfell, but this seemed important.
movie0_text[46] = 0,255,0,0,5080,5094,The seal is broken.
movie0_text[47] = 1,255,255,0,5104,5141,S'rathra was concerned.
movie0_text[48] = 0,255,0,0,5150,5167,Yeah, I bet you were.
movie0_text[51] = 1,255,255,0,5294,5339,Your sister's disappearance draws a shudder.
movie0_text[52] = 0,255,0,0,5375,5386,I need a ship.
movie0_text[53] = 1,255,255,0,5398,5473,The port is full of them and S'rathra's name goes far towards the price of passage.
movie0_text[54] = 0,255,0,0,5506,5515,Money, too.
movie0_text[55] = 1,255,255,0,5522,5651,Keep Duadeen's retainer. It's a family affair, after all. Tell S'Rathra, why did you never mention your sister before?
movie0_text[56] = 0,255,0,0,5655,5687,We haven't spoken in ten years. There was trouble.
movie0_text[58] = 0,255,0,0,5734,5747,I killed her husband.
movie0_text[59] = 0,255,255,255,5854,5917,Hammerfell's prodigal son, Cyrus, returns to the province of his birth.
movie0_text[60] = 0,255,255,255,5929,6006,He buys passage to the island of Stros M'Kai, in the hopes of rescuing his sister,
movie0_text[61] = 0,255,255,255,6012,6021,Iszara
movie0_text[62] = 0,0,255,255,6281,6355,Get below is what the pirate said to the wet-earred knaves before him
movie0_text[63] = 0,255,0,255,6357,6406,The Restless League is claiming this cargo.
movie0_text[64] = 0,0,255,255,6412,6468,said the other with cruel, cruel clarity.
movie0_text[65] = 0,255,0,0,6500,6546,Probably wouldn't make a difference if I told you I had no time for this.
movie0_text[66] = 0,255,0,255,6548,6612,This is about Redguard honor, boy, stand aside.
movie0_text[67] = 0,0,255,255,6616,6703,Yes, a doubtful notion it is, piracy and politics, but there you have it.
movie0_text[68] = 0,255,0,0,6704,6756,Never been much for politics. In my day piracy was honest work.
movie0_text[69] = 0,255,0,255,6756,6789,Don't be a hero, boy.
movie0_text[70] = 0,255,0,0,6791,6806,Where's the money in that?
movie0_text[71] = 0,0,255,255,6809,6895,And, yea, verily, by his bravery they were impressed for a scant few seconds....
movie_name[1] = SCENE3.SMK
movie_keys[1] = 0
movie1_text[0] = 0,255,0,0,95,110,Where is she?
movie1_text[1] = 0,255,0,255,131,162,I don't know. I was hoping this would tell me.
movie1_text[2] = 0,255,0,0,162,178,What do you know then?
movie1_text[3] = 0,255,0,255,204,243,When Iszara joined the League she changed its face.
movie1_text[4] = 0,255,0,255,250,282,She gained us the attention of Prince A'tor.
movie1_text[5] = 0,255,0,255,290,375,Before Iszara, we were a wild pack of nationalists with sharp swords and enthusiastic schemes.
movie1_text[6] = 0,255,0,255,380,463,Our wanting reputation kept A'tor from announcing an open affiliation, but we worked for him in secret
movie1_text[7] = 0,255,0,255,470,553,removing Forebear traitors on the mainland and killing Imperial emissaries too long lingering at our borders.
movie1_text[8] = 0,255,0,0,557,592,And then the war came all the way to Stros M'kai.
movie1_text[9] = 0,255,0,255,596,657,Where A'tor should've won. He had Hunding's fire with him that day
movie1_text[10] = 0,255,0,255,659,701,he would turn back Tiber Septim from Hammerfell forever!
movie1_text[11] = 0,255,0,255,707,762,The League wasn't invited to join in the Battle for discretion's sake
movie1_text[12] = 0,255,0,255,767,835,and we were forced to watch from afar! And at that battle, we saw the face of the New Empire.
movie1_text[13] = 0,255,0,255,837,878,They sent a dragon, and no man could stand against it.
movie1_text[14] = 0,255,0,0,879,896,It killed Prince A'tor?
movie1_text[15] = 0,255,0,255,902,939,A'tor challenged the beast, but he never reached it.
movie1_text[16] = 0,255,0,255,944,1012,A poisoned arrow from Richton's henchman felled the Prince just as he rushed headlong to meet the dragon.
movie1_text[17] = 0,255,0,0,1013,1035,What does this have to with Iszara?
movie1_text[18] = 0,255,0,255,1044,1129,As A'tor lay dying his wizard, the archmage Voa, tried desperately to save his life.
movie1_text[19] = 0,255,0,255,1132,1165,The dragon was upon them and there was little time.
movie1_text[20] = 0,255,0,255,1170,1227,Voa gathered A'tor's lifeforce into a soulgem just as the fire rained down.
movie1_text[21] = 0,255,0,255,1231,1288,The Battle of Stros M'kai ended then, and Iszara's trouble began.
movie1_text[22] = 0,255,0,0,1288,1305,Get to it.
movie1_text[23] = 0,255,0,255,1324,1381,In another story altogether, the League got its hands on the soulgem,
movie1_text[24] = 0,255,0,255,1383,1438,reservoir of the Prince's power, and the narrative of wishful thinking began.
movie1_text[25] = 0,255,0,255,1447,1490,The Restless League now had the means to bring back the Prince!
movie1_text[26] = 0,255,0,255,1493,1579,We could restore Prince A'tor from the soulgem, and under his banner fight the Battle of Stros M'kai again,
movie1_text[27] = 0,255,0,255,1584,1606,this time rightly at his side!
movie1_text[28] = 0,255,0,255,1618,1641,And then that little witch took it.
movie1_text[29] = 0,255,0,0,1645,1663,Iszara took the soulgem?
movie1_text[30] = 0,255,0,255,1667,1694,And with it the fate of Stros M'kai.
movie1_text[31] = 0,255,0,255,1705,1761,The Prince's spirit within that gem was the spark to ignite a revolution.
movie1_text[32] = 0,255,0,255,1767,1817,When Iszara stole the soulgem she stole from us that fire.
movie1_text[33] = 0,255,0,0,1818,1835,Where would she have gone with it?
movie1_text[34] = 0,255,0,255,1842,1925,If we knew that, you wouldn't be here right now. The only reason we let you in the hideout was to find out what you know...
movie1_text[35] = 0,255,0,255,1932,1992,...or what this could tell us. We both seem to still be looking for our answers yet.
movie1_text[36] = 0,255,0,0,2014,2059,I'll be back if you're lying. And I'll spare no one then.
movie1_text[37] = 0,255,0,255,2072,2107,Find the soulgem and you'll find Iszara.
movie1_text[38] = 0,255,0,0,2141,2166,Take me back to Stros M'kai.
movie1_text[39] = 0,255,0,255,2174,2270,This is bigger than your sister, Redguard. Remember that. This is about the kingdom!
movie1_text[40] = 0,255,0,255,2312,2343,This is about Hammerfell now.
movie2_text[35] = 0,255,0,0,2256,2328,I didn't know what it was the Necromancer had it fashioned into an amulet, a gift for the Governor.
movie2_text[36] = 0,255,0,0,2333,2396,He needed someone to deliver it. I did, thinking I could somehow get to you.
movie2_text[37] = 0,255,0,255,2403,2446,My heart just broke. Yours, too?
movie2_text[38] = 0,0,255,255,2449,2470,A million pieces.
movie2_text[39] = 0,255,0,0,2471,2491,We'll just have to get it back.
movie2_text[40] = 0,255,0,255,2492,2530,We'll be killed as soon as we step onto the shore.
movie2_text[41] = 0,255,255,0,2531,2542,Cyrus is right.
movie2_text[42] = 0,255,0,0,2548,2624,What's the point of being condemned as rebels in arms if we never take up those arms against the Empire?
movie2_text[43] = 0,255,0,255,2627,2636,We?
movie2_text[44] = 0,255,0,0,2640,2742,I tell you, Basil, and hear me well. Whether you like it or not, I'm in this now, until the end.
movie2_text[45] = 0,255,0,255,2745,2832,I'm not sending my men to Stros M'kai, soulgem lost or no. Hammerfell needs us alive.
movie2_text[46] = 0,255,0,0,2835,2910,What good are you, Basil, if you do nothing? Are you afraid of shedding a little blood?
movie2_text[47] = 0,255,255,0,2942,2956,Here it comes.
movie2_text[48] = 0,255,0,255,2957,3065,You speak grandly of spending blood that is not your own, Cyrus. As for the League, we do what we can, even in hiding.
movie2_text[49] = 0,255,0,255,3071,3257,We're pirates, man, the purest form of sedition- to thieve, snare, slit the throat unbeheld- the ever-resident thorns, keeping all sides at guard, alleviating every inertia with our own.
movie2_text[50] = 0,255,0,255,3263,3369,Our raids force the Emperor to garrison Stros M'Kai, and tie up ships and men here. And our piracy hits Richton where it counts...
movie2_text[51] = 0,255,0,255,3373,3476,in his gold purse. If he doesn't squeeze this province for the profits the Emperor demands, HIS head will roll.
movie2_text[52] = 0,255,0,0,3480,3550,Don't forget the dragon, Basil. Because THAT'S the thing you really fear, isn't it?
movie2_text[53] = 0,255,0,0,3555,3630,The Battle of Stros M'Kai hung in the balance until the Governor called in his dragon, right?
movie2_text[55] = 0,255,0,0,3657,3677,I'll take care of the dragon.
movie2_text[56] = 0,255,0,255,3679,3696,Big man.
movie2_text[57] = 0,0,255,255,3699,3721,Can I feel your muscle?
movie2_text[58] = 0,255,255,0,3728,3784,Richton probably has the dragon guarding the soulgem in the Palace treasure vaults.
movie2_text[59] = 0,255,0,0,3790,3798,Where are they?
movie2_text[60] = 0,255,255,0,3804,3847,You can enter them through the catacombs, but you need the key.
movie2_text[61] = 0,255,0,0,3864,3877,Where'd you get this?
movie2_text[62] = 0,255,0,255,3880,3952,The Prince and your sister were good friends, Cyrus. The treasure vaults were to be her jewelry chambers.
movie2_text[63] = 0,255,0,0,3953,4035,I've had enough of your chatter, Basil! I'm going to find the gem and then I'll find somebody who'll bring the Prince back!
movie2_text[64] = 0,255,0,0,4036,4082,When that's done, should I tell him to expect your aid or not?
movie2_text[65] = 0,255,0,255,4083,4132,I EXPECT you'll have just as much success as your sister had, Cyrus.
movie2_text[66] = 0,255,0,255,4141,4159,You can hardly do any worse.
movie2_text[67] = 0,255,255,0,4164,4177,I'll go with you.
movie2_text[68] = 0,255,0,0,4180,4282,You're too weak, still. Look, I've done well enough to this point. I can finish this. For you.
movie2_text[70] = 0,255,0,0,4303,4318,Fine. For Hammerfell.
movie2_text[71] = 0,255,0,0,4327,4402,When I have the soulgem and somebody that can break its magic, what should I do?
movie2_text[72] = 0,255,255,0,4408,4469,Send us the signal and we'll meet at the Temple. Brother Nidal has A'tor's body hidden there.
movie2_text[73] = 0,255,0,255,4475,4539,Redguard. When you have the Prince, you have his men.
movie2_text[74] = 0,255,255,0,4603,4614,I should help you.
movie2_text[75] = 0,255,0,0,4623,4666,You're too well known on the island. The Imperials
movie2_text[76] = 0,255,255,0,4667,4678,I could handle them
movie2_text[77] = 0,255,0,0,4684,4693,And you will.
movie2_text[78] = 0,255,0,0,4701,4713,After the temple.
movie2_text[79] = 0,255,0,0,4729,4776,I won't fail you. Not like last time.
movie2_text[80] = 0,255,255,0,4780,4832,Look. Let's get this straight. You murdered my husband, and ran away.
movie2_text[81] = 0,255,255,0,4833,4903,On one day you robbed me of the two people I loved and trusted most in all the world.
movie2_text[82] = 0,255,255,0,4907,4979,Hakan was not much of a husband, but you were not, and are not, fit to judge him.
movie2_text[83] = 0,255,255,0,4989,5082,Nor am I fit to judge you. You're guilty of gods-know how many crimes and cruelties, not the least of all what you've done to your own flesh and blood.
movie2_text[84] = 0,255,255,0,5099,5218,But... whatever harm you've done to me, I forgive you. You are my blood, and younger brother, and I can do no less.
movie2_text[85] = 0,255,255,0,5228,5347,But if you trifle with the affairs of the League, and with the fate of Hammerfell and her people, then run away like you did last time, I will find you.
movie2_text[86] = 0,255,255,0,5367,5448,You are a charming, vain, self-absorbed child, never thinking of anyone but yourself and your own profit...
movie2_text[87] = 0,255,255,0,5468,5543,but if you take up this thing, you will see it through to the end... or I will kill you.
movie2_text[88] = 0,255,0,0,5553,5611,I am GOING to find that soulgem. And I WILL get your Prince back.
movie2_text[89] = 0,255,0,0,5621,5708,Iszara. I know what you think of me. I'm not proud of what I've been. But something...
movie2_text[90] = 0,255,0,0,5718,5768,is happening here, and I...I don't really know what I'm saying, but....
movie2_text[91] = 0,255,255,0,5768,5810,Then don't say anything. I'm not interested in your words, Cyrus.
movie2_text[92] = 0,255,255,0,5823,5914,It's enough to have you here. I just have to believe you'll stay when I need you.
movie2_text[93] = 0,255,0,0,5923,5944,I will finish this.
movie3_text[32] = 0,255,255,0,3984,4013,She doesn't know. It was
movie3_text[33] = 0,255,0,255,4014,4071,Who cares how it happened? It's over, Cyrus. We can't follow a sword.
movie3_text[34] = 0,255,0,255,4075,4103,You've failed us. We are through.
movie3_text[35] = 0,255,0,0,4140,4177,Is this how you will honor your Prince then?
movie3_text[36] = 0,255,0,0,4188,4237,Cautious I've thought you, Basil, but never before a coward.
movie3_text[37] = 0,255,0,0,4268,4298,We all have waited for the Prince's return.
movie3_text[38] = 0,255,0,0,4311,4338,Now that he has returned, you walk away.
movie3_text[39] = 0,255,0,0,4344,4382,The form is different, true, but his spirit is here, here.
movie3_text[40] = 0,255,0,0,4387,4419,And isn't his spirit the truest part of him?
movie3_text[41] = 0,255,0,0,4432,4517,Did it occur that maybe he chose this shape and symbol as the sign of his intentions?
movie3_text[42] = 0,255,0,0,4518,4611,Aye, perhaps that soul, in hated delay, snared helpless in a jewel while his men hid and shirked their duties
movie3_text[43] = 0,255,0,0,4611,4697,his duty, perhaps that soul honed itself to this and by no mistake comes to you now
movie3_text[44] = 0,255,0,0,4700,4740,in no more fine and final form as this
movie3_text[45] = 0,255,0,0,4753,4764,a sword.
movie3_text[46] = 0,255,0,0,4777,4849,You say you cannot follow a sword well, I say that you have strayed from your own too long!
movie3_text[47] = 0,255,0,0,4857,4880,Why are you here but to FIGHT!
movie3_text[48] = 0,255,0,0,4889,4958,Your Prince has shown you the manner of his purest mettle, AYE! in metal itself!
movie3_text[49] = 0,255,0,0,4966,5050,And this true unerring razor's message is clear beyond words for now's not the time for words,
movie3_text[50] = 0,255,0,0,5053,5098,but for brave hands, bright swords, and blood.
movie3_text[51] = 0,255,0,0,5106,5164,Aye, boys, it's about blood now! too long frozen in your veins!
movie3_text[52] = 0,255,0,0,5170,5256,And you'd rather yourself be rigid than follow me. Well, if you won't,
movie3_text[53] = 0,255,0,0,5261,5297,then shamefully know that your Prince will!
movie3_text[54] = 0,255,0,0,5302,5374,For his blood be solid, too, but straightened to steel and tempered in death!
movie3_text[55] = 0,255,0,0,5378,5451,Rise alike as he! as swords! as we are Crowns alike as he!
movie3_text[56] = 0,255,0,0,5456,5478,The Prince is dead!
movie3_text[57] = 0,255,0,0,5488,5516,Long live the Prince!
movie3_text[58] = 0,255,0,255,5666,5680,What shall we do?
movie3_text[59] = 0,255,0,0,5688,5727,You shall secure the harbor, we can't have any more of them coming in.
movie3_text[60] = 0,255,0,0,5729,5775,Once that's done, take it to the Imperials still left on the water.
movie3_text[61] = 0,255,0,0,5778,5829,When they see the harbor is ours again they will make sail for the mainland.
movie3_text[62] = 0,255,255,0,5848,5859,What about you?
movie3_text[63] = 0,255,0,0,5863,5893,I'm going into the Palace to kill the Governor.
movie3_text[64] = 0,255,255,0,5902,5919,You can't do that alone.
movie3_text[65] = 0,255,255,0,5922,5936,How will you get in?
movie3_text[66] = 0,255,0,0,5943,5957,I won't be alone.
movie3_text[67] = 0,255,0,0,5976,6002,And the prince shares secrets.
movie3_text[68] = 0,255,255,0,6072,6089,Let me come with you, Cyrus.
movie3_text[69] = 0,255,255,0,6121,6147,And you aren't going without me.
movie3_text[70] = 0,255,0,0,6148,6179,No,you help Basil and the league take the harbor.
movie3_text[71] = 0,255,0,0,6184,6246,If we storm the Palace Richton and his men will dig in. It has to end now.
movie3_text[72] = 0,255,0,0,6250,6308,With the League running amok in the water, the Palace will be near empty as they try and stop you.
movie3_text[73] = 0,255,0,0,6313,6377,I'll reach Richton easy and remind him whose seat is the throne of Stros M'kai.
movie3_text[74] = 0,255,255,0,6386,6413,They will hear of this in the rest of Hammerfell.
movie3_text[75] = 0,255,0,0,6467,6488,Then let's make sure it's loud.
movie_name[4] = WIN.SMK
movie_keys[4] = 2495
movie4_text[0] = 0,0,255,0,86,101,How remarkable.
movie4_text[1] = 0,0,255,0,111,173,I may well be the first Imperial Admiral to surrender at this altitude.
movie4_text[2] = 0,255,0,0,175,211,No surrender, Governor. You just die on your feet.
movie4_text[3] = 0,0,255,0,216,307,The Rules of Engagement state quite clearly that a losing party may yield to his opponent on the field of battle,
movie4_text[4] = 0,0,255,0,311,369,and that the victor may, within honorable reason, determine his ransom.
movie4_text[5] = 0,255,0,0,370,390,Remind me in Hell.
movie4_text[6] = 0,0,255,0,391,414,But where's the money in that?
movie4_text[7] = 0,0,255,0,435,523,Or Redguard honor? I know a swordsman like you, Redguard, can't kill an unarmed man...
movie4_text[8] = 0,0,255,0,543,590,And as a gentleman, I place myself under your protection.
movie4_text[9] = 0,0,255,0,594,679,And as a swordsman of no little accomplishment, I congratulate you on your mastery of the longsword.
movie4_text[10] = 0,0,255,0,682,733,And I congratulate you also on your small victory here.
movie4_text[11] = 0,0,255,0,735,803,I have failed my Emperor, and may regret surviving to face his displeasure... but...
movie4_text[12] = 0,255,0,255,819,834,Drop the weapon.
movie4_text[13] = 0,255,0,0,915,944,What were those Rules of Engagement again?
movie4_text[14] = 0,0,255,0,946,1007,I'm sorry, Redguard. The Rules of Engagement govern the affairs of gentlemen.
movie4_text[15] = 0,0,255,0,1014,1091,But you, a rebel in arms, a traitor to the Emperor, and a threat to the Emperor's peace...
movie4_text[16] = 0,0,255,0,1096,1132,All you have earned is summary execution.
movie4_text[17] = 0,255,0,255,1133,1160,You die now, Redguard.
movie4_text[18] = 0,255,0,0,1161,1224,Do it, then, because that'll be the easy part. But look down there, Richton.
movie4_text[19] = 0,255,0,0,1227,1297,Now there's an army that's tasted victory, and one you'll never defeat again.
movie4_text[20] = 0,0,255,0,1298,1309,No more words.
movie4_text[21] = 0,255,0,0,1317,1374,Richton, it's time you saw that redguard fire you've heard so much about.
movie4_text[22] = 0,255,0,0,1383,1440,You never did kill the Prince, Richton. He lives!
movie4_text[23] = 0,0,255,0,1506,1518,Gods.
movie4_text[24] = 0,0,255,255,2519,2563,The Old Quarter should be restored in time for the celebrations, milady.
movie4_text[25] = 0,255,255,0,2568,2602,Make sure Captain Basil has all the men he needs.
movie4_text[26] = 0,255,0,0,2664,2686,You know I have to leave soon.
movie4_text[27] = 0,255,255,0,2693,2755,Can't you at least stay for the celebrations? They are because of you, after all.
movie4_text[28] = 0,255,255,0,2765,2864,Baron Volag came out of hiding to retake Sentinel after he heard of our own uprising. Both he and the Emperor are coming here to work out the treaties.
movie4_text[29] = 0,255,0,0,2873,2893,The Emperor is coming here?
movie4_text[30] = 0,255,255,0,2906,3028,We've had two bloody wars in as many years, Cyrus. An accord must be struck with the Empire but at least now we will be respected allies,
movie4_text[31] = 0,255,255,0,3029,3102,if all goes well, instead of exploited subjects. A'tor guides me in this.
movie4_text[32] = 0,255,0,0,3121,3149,I've never been much for politics.
movie4_text[33] = 0,255,255,0,3151,3202,I forgive you anyway. I can do no less.